The Craft Line

I made you this...

It's a personal catchphrase of mine, mostly heard at Christmas time and occasional Birthday parties. You see, I come from a long line of women and men who like to make things. You could say it's in my genes. And you could also say that those genes are very confused about what they want to do. I suffer from Multiple Crafting Disorder. My skill in craft exists somewhere between dabbling and mastery - I craft on the border of competence.

What are my qualifications for giving advice on craft I hear you ask? How can you get a qualification for awesome crafting skills?! Well, technically I have a Bachelor of Contemporary Art (Photography and Painting) and I was once a committee member for a cake decorating society but that's as far as it goes in terms of formality. What I do have is a life-long dedication to picking up crafty projects and absorbing them into my being. Additionally, I am a lover of all things hand-made by anyone. That's what this site is all about.

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Much like the equator - an imaginary line that divides the Northern and Southern hemispheres - the craft line (aka the border of competence) is a virtual place that exists between hobby and mastery. 

The border of competence will be a treasure trove of discoveries to help you live your best craft life. This is a destination for inspiration and aspiration but most importantly it is a community in which we can celebrate the everyday beauty of amateur craft. Pack your binoculars and trail snacks and join me on this journey.