Tribulations of a casual baker

I have a dear and loyal friend who really likes my cakes. In fact she has honoured me by asking me to make three cakes for her darling, beautiful children. The problem is, is that I have only been able to make half of those cakes for her. Just a measly 1.5 cakes. Our cake journey together has been thwarted by my generally non-jet-setting job twice. I mean, what are the chances?!


Back in January of 2015 my friend, let’s call her Emma*, asked if I would like to make the cake for her first child’s baby shower. I was wrapped. The cake was needed on the 28 March. Emma sent me a design that she liked and I put the order in my calendar. I was not excited about making blocks but damn if those tiny clothes on the clothes line were not adorable. I bought the ingredients and by March I was baking the cake.

Inspiration cake, designer unknown. If this is your cake give me a holler for cred.

Inspiration cake, designer unknown. If this is your cake give me a holler for cred.

It wasn’t until mid-March that things started to go wrong. On the 16 March, 12 days ahead of the party, I had to send Emma a text to say that whilst I had baked the cake - there was a slim chance I might be getting sent to Turkey for work. Wait - hold up. Did you say Turkey?! Yes, my work, who has never sent a non-exec staff member overseas was about to send me to Turkey for five days to collect a loan of 150+ Gallipoli artefacts for exhibit. I have to say Emma was very cool about the whole thing. Not wanting to leave her in the lurch I contacted a dear cake friend of mine, let’s call her ‘Kellie’*, who was happy to continue decorating the cake if I was going to Turkey. On the 19 March it was confirmed, I was going to Turkey. I have to say that both my friends are such amazing people to take this cake abandonment in their strides. Friends are the best.


Back in January 2016 my friend Emma* asked if I could make the first birthday cake for her beautiful baby boy Xavier* for the 25 April, she asked for a two tier cake and a bunch of cupcakes. Admittedly my response was not enthusiastic about the cupcakes. We had a little back and forth and then I forgot. On the 12 April I remembered, and apologised. Fortunately she had found someone else to make the cake and was generously understanding that Anzac Day is a busy time for me at work. Sorry Em.



Back in July 2018 my friend Emma* asked if I could make a first birthday cake for her second son Connor* for 13 October. Emma sent through a design she liked and I put it in my calendar.

The week of 5 October I started a new job. The week of the party I was being sent to take down an exhibition of Kylie Minongue’s stage costumes. I mean really. What are the chances?! I rarely get sent away from work and it was happening all over again. This time I was determined to deliver a whole cake - made by me. All I needed to do was bake and stack the cakes before I left and then I would have Thursday and Friday after work to get this done. I’m not gonna lie friends - the struggle was real. Starting a new job and then travelling and de-installing a major exhibition does tend to make you a bit tired. But my planning and hard work paid off. I delivered the cake to the grandparents house on the Saturday morning.

And that is the tale of how I made half of three cakes for one friends two children. THE END


Even with the best intentions it is super hard to always deliver a cake and that is why I will never go after-hours pro. Unless decorating 9-5 is your job, there is always gonna be an unexpected trip to a battlefield or urgent need to pack sequins.

*for the purpose of this story real names have been used

Have you ever bitterly disappointed a friend by not delivering a birthday cake?