Gifts for our Baby

News flash having a baby during a pandemic is kinda shitty.

As a first time mum this is not how I had envisioned my final months of ‘freedom’. Even though I have never been particularly maternal, child orientated or even mildly clucky, by the summer of 2019/2020 I found myself somewhat joyfully pregnant. That same summer Australia experienced epic bushfires that made news around the world - for weeks. Though the fires were a long way away from my home and work in Melbourne, I found myself having to wear a mask to ensure I didn’t breathe in the particles of the toxic smoke that drifted across the country. I have asthma and I was pregnant - and strangely this wouldn’t be the only time in 2020 I would be clutching at a mask to save mine and my baby’s health.

That’s right, hot on the back of the Australian bushfires was f*#king Covid-19/Corona Virus/SARS-COV2 or whatever you want to call this beast from hell. So instead of celebrating our pregnancy with friends and family, I was crying and organising a tragic Zoom baby shower for myself. Ripped off doesn’t even begin to explain the rage and sadness that ravaged me, and still doesn’t to be honest. But in among all this frustration and grief and anger was a wave of joy and happiness and gratitude.

Though many of our friends and family did not get to see us throughout the pregnancy or now even for the first few months of our baby’s life - they have still taken the time to send us gifts. Each parcel received whether by post, or doorstep drop-off has bought light into the darkness.

I’m not a materialistic person, what the gift is doesn’t matter, what matters is the time and the thought that each person put into selecting, ordering, arranging or making the gift for us. EVERY GIFT WAS APPRECIATED, whether store bought, hand-me-down or handmade. But this is a craft blog so I am going to focus on the gifts that people have made for dear HH. Whether the gift was made specifically for him or not, it has been adored and appreciated. Each gift represents time and care and love. These will be cherished.



The Ari Blanket

From memory this was the first hand-made gift that HH received, and it was shortly after lockdown began - so a very emotional time. It arrived in the post as a wonderful surprise. I don’t know what you call this pattern but I bloody love it. The yarn is very soft and the shade of grey is perfect. This is now the blanket that we leave in the car so that whenever we need to keep him rugged up in the car seat or in the pram, it is ready to go. Thanks Ari!



The Nanny Blanket

You may recall my ode to my mother and all her crafting, well she has come through with the goods on this Australian baby animal quilt. Made especially for HH (her fifth grandchild and mostly likely last!) Knowing that my baby room theme was going to be heavy on May Gibbs and native things she created this lovely blanket made for the size of the cot. It is so precious and will be kept for many years to come.



The Brooke Blanket and Teddy

I have never had the patience for crochet. People tell me it is easier than knitting but I just don’t understand how one hook is better than two needles. Therefore, I am in awe of those who can crochet like our wonderful friend Brooke. Brooke messaged me to ask about what colours I like, knowing that I have a pretty strong opinion on this. I said I didn’t like green and orange as a combination, mostly due to an interior design trend Melbourne suffered through in public buildings about 10 years ago. Brooke went with rainbow which is perfect for our rainbow baby. HH is fascinated by the play of light through the blanket when we put it over our heads. And the micro teddy is so adorable I think I might just eat it for lunch. (Our dog Ziggy did try too and now I live in fear that he will destroy it so Teddy lives up on a high shelf.)



The Aunty Emu

My Aunty Glenda, my mother’s sister, was also gifted with the crafting gene and has become quite an adept watercolourist, but I had no idea her oil painting skills were this great. The same Aunty also made us a loaf of banana bread when we first arrived home and frankly that made me cry so when this gem arrived in the mail out of the blue, we were quite overjoyed. HH loves staring into the Emu’s eyes and sharing a smile with him.



The Kate Quilt

I worked with Kate and we bonded over many things including Friday lunches, loan agreements and a love of craft. I have always admired anyone who had the patience to undertake quilting. It is far too slow and repetitive for me, but when Kate said she had finished a quilt she was generous enough to gift it to HH. HH loves playing on this and looking at all the patterns.



The Fiona Beanie

Arriving unexpectedly by post was the adorable Fiona beanie. I’m not sure when Fiona started knitting this but it is scrumptious and most appreciated given that Fiona was also pregnant . The yarn, she informed me, was purchased from PURL IN NEW YORK when Fiona was there on a holiday some years ago. It is so soft and has the most beautiful fleck of colour through it. He looks like a real Gumnut baby in this.



The Emily Outfit

My fiend Emily impressed everyone she knew when she sew her own wedding dress. It was the loudest round of applause I have ever heard for a garment at a wedding. Emily made this out of beautiful merino wool and my babe looked so scrumptious in this. He was wearing it long after it stopped fitting him and I have no regrets.



The Isabella Cards

This is actually a series of cards created by our beautiful friend Bella. Each has been hand-painted and each card touched my very soul with its kind words and thoughtful illustrations. Isabella took our maternity and newborn photos and has also also started a design studio. I highly recommend supporting this talented lady (and mother of three).



The Karen Quilt

My eldest cousin Karen is a professional quilter. I don’t know if she actually describes herself as such but her prodigious talent, output and over 5k followers on instagram seem to suggest she is at the very least, excessively competent. This quilt was handmade specifically for HH and the needle work on it is breath-taking. It is the kind of quilt you actually don’t want to let a child anywhere near.


These are just the hand-made gifts that HH received and honestly it has been very overwhelming to have so many lovely and thoughtful friends. To create something, or give a gift during a time of global crises has such an impact that I sincerely doubt that people fully understand how appreciated it has been. If I have forgotten any hand-made presents please let me know.


What hand-made gift have you received for a child?
