Inspiring Makers

I am constantly in awe of people who make things. I am also in shock that some people want to make things and make content. I can barely keep up with a blog, let alone try to master social media by feeding the algorithm machine every bloody day. So, in lieu of me making any content I thought I might share two people who inspire me with their content. By ‘inspire’ I mean loosely anyone I like for their makes, approach, personality, helpful content, funny content, aesthetic, basically anything. These are creators and makers who you might also be interested to follow or find out more about.

So without further incoherent rambling, I present…

April 2023 - Messy Makers of TikTok

These are my two most beloved accounts that I particularly enjoy for their unabashed approach to crafting and making.

Chrissy Flanagan @chaoticsocialite

Why I love this maker:

Chrissy is 100% Chrissy. Chrissy is based in Sydney, Australia, has 137k followers and I have been following this account since 2020. I feel like Chrissy could be my crafty best friend in the way that social media creates these quasi-social, one-way relationships. Chrissy is a real, get in there and give it a go person brimming with talent, tenacity and audacity. Things don’t need to be perfect, and more is more. Chrissy has recently started a Chaotic Sewing group where skilled and unskilled alike can follow along with that months pattern and feel empowered to just sew.

What do you get:

Bags of encouragement and engagement. Fabric hauls, sewing and home decorating projects and earring influencing. In between crafting content you will be given an insight into Chrissy’s personal life including medical, family, business and relationships and generally a journey of self. There a lot of emotion in this account and a lot of real joy to be had.

Sam Reece @shittycraftclub

Why I love this maker:

Great consistent content and terrible/amazing humour. Sam is based in the United States and has 156k followers on TikTok. I started following Shitty Craft Club in 2021 when Sam seemed to be really focused on covering objects at home with beads and glittery things. This account is not about perfect - its about fun and shitty and Sam has a lot of ideas.

What do you get:

Pure shitty - and by shitty I mean colourful, amazing and achievable - crafts and a good laugh.

Go on, I dare you to enjoy.
