Easy Easter Bags

My partner and I are very much into competitive Easter Egg hunting. Though we are all well into our adulthood, for the last 10 years or so, my parents-in-law(ish) have set up an Easter Egg hunt for their children and their children’s partners. Correct, that is four grown-ass adults tearing around their yard pushing each other out of the way on the search for shiny nuggets of foil and chocolate. At the end, the eggs are counted and winners and losers declared.

Now, however, with the arrival of the third, and probably final, grandchild it is becoming harder to justify the frenzy of shoving and taunting of the adults Easter Egg hunt. As we adults hang up our hunting baskets we make way for the next generation of scavengers, who will hopefully be much kinder to each other.

This year, for the wonderfully innocent kiddies, I have made them each a Easter Egg bag. It is a super quick and super cheap sewing activity that I was able to complete within one nap time (roughly 2 hours). I bought these $2.00 bags from Spotlight and the rest of the materials I had in my craft stash. You don’t need great amounts, just use what you have and your imagination.


  • tote bag

  • felt

  • assorted trimmings and fabric

  • sewing machine

  • thread

  • scissors

  • paper

  • pen or texta

  • pins


Fold an A4 piece of paper in half and cut out an egg shape.

Using a pen or texta trace the egg shape onto a piece of felt, then cut out your felt egg.

Play around with what ever trimmings and fabric you have to create a fun Easter egg design.

For my eggs I used assorted sizes of rick rack, pom pom trim, and netting.

Attach your trims and fabric using you sewing machine, tucking the ends around the back of the egg. My trims mostly just needed straight line stitching.

Once you have finished decorating your egg, pins it in place on your tote bag.

Depending on the size of your tote bag, use the sewing machine or hand stitch, attach the egg to the bag. Be careful not to sew through to the back of the bag.

And there you have it. Wonderfully quick, simple and fun Easter Egg bags. Make as many as your imagination can dream of. And have fun watching the littles hopelessly dash across the yard missing those eggs that you can see from a mile off.
